5 Signs Your Commercial Refrigerator Might Be Leaking Refrigerant

Refrigerant is used in many commercial refrigerators since it becomes very cold under high pressure and is therefore excellent at creating and maintaining a cool environment. However, refrigerant can sometimes start to leak. That means your refrigerator won't be running efficiently. More importantly, refrigerant can be harmful to your health, and it's bad for the environment when it leaks out instead of being properly disposed of.

As such, it makes sense to learn the signs of a refrigerant leak so you can have your refrigerator repaired as soon as possible. Here are five of the most common symptoms.

1. Unpleasant Smell

If you notice a chemical or musty smell when you walk into your refrigerator and there are no perishables inside that have gone bad, you could be looking at a refrigerant leak. Odours might take some time to develop since a high concentration of refrigerant is needed to create unpleasant smells, so this is a sign that a significant amount has already leaked.

2. Warmer Temperatures

A cooling system without enough refrigerant isn't going to work as effectively, so you may notice your refrigerator becoming steadily warmer. Keep an eye on the internal temperature as well as what the thermostat is set to and be sure to take note of any produce that spoils before it should.

3. Oily Residue

Though refrigerant is colourless, it can leave behind an oily residue. If there is a leak, you're likely to notice this oily substance across your floor. While this clearly indicates a problem, it will at least give you a good idea of where the refrigerant is leaking from, so be sure to make a note before cleaning things up and calling a contractor.

4. Noisy Motor

Since your refrigerator will need to work harder when it doesn't have enough refrigerant, you may be able to hear the motor being put under added pressure. This can mean it either seems to be running longer or harder than normal. If the problem is not addressed, the motor will soon burn out under the excessive strain.

5. Feeling Unwell

Since refrigerant can be harmful, you may find yourself feeling dizzy or nauseous when exposed to it. Additional exposure can lead to symptoms such as vomiting, coughing, and headaches, as well as irritated eyes, throat, and ears. Severe exposure can even lead to confusion or a loss of consciousness. As such, you should investigate without delay if even the mildest symptoms are experienced.

Contact a refrigeration repair service to learn more. 
