Is It Practical To Hire A Structural Engineer For Your Home Extension?

Home additions are a popular renovation project for homeowners across Australia, as they allow for more flexibility in the design of the house while increasing the functionality of the residence. As an example, say you have transitioned into working at home permanently and are now looking to add a home office so you can be away from the noise in the main house. You could be thinking that this project will require less expertise from the professionals as a whole-house construction project, but this is incorrect. [Read More]

Site-Specific Requirements During Waterproofing

Excessive moisture and water in basements and walls can damage and undermine the safety and quality of a structure. Although it is a natural process, water seepage and moisture accumulation can be prevented using efficient waterproofing techniques. In addition to eliminating costly repairs, waterproofing a house increases its market value, especially if you plan to sell it in the future. This article highlights site-specific requirements and solutions for waterproofing your home. [Read More]

What to Do With Birdbaths on Your Tennis Court

If you've just taken over responsibility for a tennis court complex, you may be concerned with its general appearance. You may have noticed a number of imperfections across its surface and note that small puddles may accumulate following a shower of rain. What do you need to know about these 'birdbaths', and what can you do about them? Proper Drainage In an ideal world, rainwater should run off a tennis court naturally and leave no residue. [Read More]

Three Planning Guidelines for Installing Home Window Tinting

If you are looking for an inexpensive solution for improving your windows, you should think about tinting the panes. This process is beneficial if you would like to reduce the flow of harsh sunlight and minimise the glare. It is also an ideal approach for limiting the damage caused by UV radiation. Ultraviolet light causes fading and degradation of upholstery, floors and other internal features. In addition, tinting has a decorative effect and will improve the curb appeal of your home. [Read More]