5 Great Reasons to Consider Sheep Wool Insulation

Most homeowners already understand the importance of good home insulation – it keeps in the heat and keeps down your energy bills. Of course, there are plenty of options available from which to choose, including sheep wool. That might seem like an outdated material compared to all the modern synthetics available, but it actually comes with numerous advantages, and here are just five.

1. Extremely Effective

To start with, sheep wool is a very effective insulator – after all, sheep have evolved over hundreds of thousands of years to survive extreme cold and extreme heat. When you look at how their wool works, you'll understand why it's so effective. Crimped fibres create millions of air pockets to form a thermal barrier. With sheep wood insulation, you should feel warm even during the depths of winter.

2. Non-Flammable

Most people hear 'sheep wool' and think 'flammable' – that might be a natural reaction, but it's entirely wrong. You see, sheep wool has a very high nitrogen content, which means it will simply singe instead of bursting into flames, even when you hold a match to it. As such, using sheep wool insulation can dramatically improve your safety.

3. Easy to Install

Many insulation materials are toxic or irritate the skin, which means people need to wear protective glasses and a mask to install them. Sheep wool is non-toxic and non-irritating. Better yet, it is very easy to cut and push into tricky corners, so you can install the space yourself without bother. This easy workability and lack of irritation will also come in handy if you ever need to carry out minor repairs around your insulation.

4. Absorbs and Releases Moisture

Plenty of insulation materials will absorb moisture and then lose much of its thermal efficiency – wool is not one of those materials. It still absorbs moisture, but it will also release it without losing any of its efficiency. If your home frequently suffers from moisture issues or you live somewhere particularly humid, this could be a very compelling reason to choose sheep wool.

5. Eco-Friendly

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, sheep wool is extremely eco-friendly. For starters, it's a natural product, which means it requires very little in the way of resources and energy to produce. It's also extremely sustainable, since sheep can be sheared each year to produce a healthy supply, and it can be easily recycled once you're done with it. Even if it is sent to landfill, it will naturally break down.
